2 Axles/ 3 Axles Flatbed Semi Trailer, 20FT/ 40FT Container Platform Semi Trailers, Trucks for Sale

- USD 6000.00 /Unit
- 1 Unit
- 80 Unit
- 25 days
Product Description
Flatbed Semi Trailer

Flatbed bed container semi-Trailer, Flatbed Semi Trailer,
Container Semi Trailer, Semi Trailer, Semi-Trailer, Trailer and etc.
1. Tare Weight 6200kg
2. Payload 35000kg
3. Chassis: Heavy duty and extra durability designed I beam; Opting for high tensile steel Q345B, welded by automatic Submerged-Arc processes. Top Flange 14mm, width 140mm; Middle Flange 6mm, height 500mm; Bottom Flange 16mm, width 140mm.
4. Axle: 2/3 axles of Germany design 12ton, 13 ton, 16 ton axle optional upon choice
5. Brand Name: FUWA -optional BPW
6. Suspension: Germany design heavy duty mechanical suspension or air suspension optional upon choice
7. Floor: 3mm checker plate Leaf Spring Doll type Leaf spring
8. King Pin: JOST brand 2" Bolt-in King Pin
9. Landing Gear: JOST brand Two-speed, manual operating, heavy duty Wheel Rim 8.25-20, 9.0-20, 8.25R22.5, 9.0R22.5, 11.75R22.5 steel wheel rim optional upon choice
10. Tyre: 11.00R20, 12.00R20, 11R22.5, 12R22.5 tire with one spare tire optional upon choice
11. Twist Lock: 12 nos. Of ISO twist lock for 1x20ft, 2x20ft; 1x40ft container, the retractable central locks can be laid down. Spare Tire One set of spare tire including a carrier
12. Braking System: WABCO RE 6 relay valve; T30/30+T30 Spring brake chamber; 45L air tanks
13. Painting Complete Chassis sand blasting to clean rust, 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of final paint
14. Accessories One standard tool box


Flatbed bed container semi-Trailer, Flatbed Semi Trailer,
Container Semi Trailer, Semi Trailer, Semi-Trailer, Trailer and etc.
1. Tare Weight 6200kg
2. Payload 35000kg
3. Chassis: Heavy duty and extra durability designed I beam; Opting for high tensile steel Q345B, welded by automatic Submerged-Arc processes. Top Flange 14mm, width 140mm; Middle Flange 6mm, height 500mm; Bottom Flange 16mm, width 140mm.
4. Axle: 2/3 axles of Germany design 12ton, 13 ton, 16 ton axle optional upon choice
5. Brand Name: FUWA -optional BPW
6. Suspension: Germany design heavy duty mechanical suspension or air suspension optional upon choice
7. Floor: 3mm checker plate Leaf Spring Doll type Leaf spring
8. King Pin: JOST brand 2" Bolt-in King Pin
9. Landing Gear: JOST brand Two-speed, manual operating, heavy duty Wheel Rim 8.25-20, 9.0-20, 8.25R22.5, 9.0R22.5, 11.75R22.5 steel wheel rim optional upon choice
10. Tyre: 11.00R20, 12.00R20, 11R22.5, 12R22.5 tire with one spare tire optional upon choice
11. Twist Lock: 12 nos. Of ISO twist lock for 1x20ft, 2x20ft; 1x40ft container, the retractable central locks can be laid down. Spare Tire One set of spare tire including a carrier
12. Braking System: WABCO RE 6 relay valve; T30/30+T30 Spring brake chamber; 45L air tanks
13. Painting Complete Chassis sand blasting to clean rust, 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of final paint
14. Accessories One standard tool box

Mainframe | Heavydutyandextradurabilitydesigned;OptingforhightensilesteelQ345B,weldingbyautomaticSubmerged-Arcprocesses 500mmHeight"I"beam,TopFlange14mm,width140mm;MiddleFlange6mm;BottomFlange16mm,width140mm |
Floor | Steelsheet3mmthickness |
Axleandsuspension | L1-32TonBogieSuspensionAssembly |
KingPin | oneunitof2"bolt-inkingpin |
LandingGear | Two-speed,manualoperation,heavydutySAF19"linkedlandinggear |
WheelRim | 9unitsof9.00-22.5rim,including1unitsparerim |
Tire | 9unitsof12R22.5tubelesstyre,including1unitsparetire |
TwistLock | Twelvenos.fournosarefastenmode,eightnosareup-downmode,ofISOtwistlockfor2x20ft,1x40ftcontainer, centrallockscanbelaiddown. |
SpareWheelCarrier | Onesetofsparewheelcarrierincludingariser. |
PneumaticBrakingSystem | TwounitsofWABCORE4relayvalve;fourunitsofT30/30springbrakechamber; twounitsofT30brakechamber,twounitsofreliablelocalbrand45Lairtank; twounitsofreliablelocalbrandstandardcopperyair-connector. |
ElectricalSystem | OneunitofJAEGERPOWAY,24V7-pinISO1185socket;twosetsofreliable, localbrandstandardrearlight,turnlight,rearreflector,sidelight,sidereflectoretc. onesetofDAFA(brand)6-corestandardCable. |
Painting | Sandblastingbeforepainting; onecoatsofprimer,anticorrosion; twocoatoffinishpainting; colouradvisedbyclient |
Accessory | Oneboxwithasetofstandardtrailertool |
Product Images